Donate to the Project:
We are currently looking for donors to the project. We are grateful for all types of donations, and all sizes. Please read the project description to see where you could possibly help out.

All donations go to Education Sponsorship Trust for the use of the project and all monetary donations are tax deductible.

Early on 29 September 2009 an 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck the ocean floor to the south of Samoa. The result was a huge tsunami that wreaked havoc on Samoa, Tonga, American Samoa and other small islands.

The worst affected place in Samoa was Lalomanu on the South East coast, which experienced 9-10m  crushing waves. Further west, in Poutasi, nine people died and many lost their homes, belongings and livelihoods.

The tsunami left 3000 people homeless and caused an estimated US$147 million damage in Samoa alone. A lot of cleaning up and rebuilding has taken place, but there is still much to be done, long after the reporters and the international aid organisations have moved on.

Our aim is to spend two and a half weeks living in Poutasi and working with locals on some much-needed refurbishment that would otherwise not occur for years, if not for our efforts both in fundraising and manual labour.